The power of looking beyond today
Hi there,
I don’t know what things are like for you this week, but let’s just say I can imagine you’ve got a lot on your plate.
In Holland, we’ve gone into full lockdown again—the now familiar scenario with kids at home, but then with fresh foreboding about what’s to come. Maybe you’re struggling with anger or frustration, or simply trying to make sense of it all. Or busy juggling everything before the holidays. Or feeling lots of things at once.
So I’ll keep it short today.
Foresight is the essence of governing. We often criticize leaders who don’t show enough of it, but today I’d like to apply the concept to myself. What helps me get through low spots is having some fun or exciting plans to look forward to.
That can be as simple as texting with a friend that we’d love to see each other again, once that’s possible. And for me, my YearPlan always does wonders, shifting my focus from the limitations of today to the possibilities of tomorrow.
So if dark clouds are gathering, I urge you to take just 10 minutes to think about what you enjoy doing. Something fun or interesting. Something that gives you a boost and brings fresh energy into your life. For the silent nights to come. And especially for the year ahead.
PS Take a moment to set aside time on your calendar for your own YearPlanDay. A few hours one day or evening is enough to get going. I love doing this in that quiet week between Christmas and New Year’s. Next Monday, I’ll walk you through everything you need to get started. (Dutch speakers can join me on the morning of Thursday, December 30 for an online YearPlanDay event in Dutch.)
produced by the language girl